
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Step Right Up and See What's In Store!

Hello, and welcome to the I-vana Blog, official blog of Cardio Cabaret™. For those of you who don't know, Cardio Cabaret™ is an interval based program geared toward fitness and overall healthy living for folks of all ages. This is done through fun and community a positive atmosphere, alongside real, hand picked music.

So who are you, anyways?

Our creative director is Ivana Cappelletto. Cardio Cabaret™ was born where her personal and professional lives crossed paths. Having been an athlete (in cycling) and a dancer for many years, life, job, kids, busyness, and growing older were hampering fitness and overall health. Then she realized it is NEVER too late to feel GREAT! 

She found there was a gap in the market, so she filled it with a body-positive, fun, social class. Exercise should be fun, not an obligation. A social class is better for you mentally and emotionally. A class which makes you feel good immediately is one you will keep attending- there are both short term and long term results. 

Based in Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast, herding two kids and four dogs, she teaches group fitness and flamenco and works as a graphic designer. With all that going on, Cardio Cabaret™ is a passion she is excited to be able to share! First Sechelt, now Vancouver.... Soon the world!

Ok, but why does a fitness program need a blog? 

Im so glad you asked! I know these days it seems that everyone and their dog has a blog, is it really important? 

YES! Cardio Cabaret™ is so much more than going to classes. We aim to create an inclusive and supportive community between all our instructors, class members, and other interested parties. Health is so much more than just exercise. The mental and emotional aspects of life can have a profound impact on your body and affect your whole outlook! 

Over the coming months some things you can expect to see here are:

- Links to, and discussions of, articles, videos, and other media. There is so much out there, no one could ever read it all. When we find something interesting, I'll share it with you. 

- Health and fitness information. There are so many contradictory "rules". So much misinformation. So many sources. Every year there's a new "miracle diet", a new "one true way" to work out. It's important to be informed about the biology behind your body, so we would like this to be an opportunity to share and discuss information without all the marketing!

- Recipes. We all want to eat well, but sometimes it is so much work. Sometimes, there seems to be a huge gap between what is delicious, what is easy to make, and what is healthy. You need healthy fuel for a healthy body, but at the same time restricting yourself or feeling guilty about eating is not healthy for your mind! Delicious, simple, and healthy recipes we love will be shared here. 

- Anecdotes, stories, and experiences to entertain and inspire. 

- Style tips. No, we are not a fashion blog. No, we will not judge you if you aren't wearing this season's hottest shade of peach. How you look affects how you feel more than most of us would like to admit, and it often has very little to do with what is on the runways. Dressing for your body type, mood, personality, and age can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin (and more comfortable in your clothes- pants that don't fit are the worst- eek!). Being proud of your look can improve everything from your self confidence to your posture. 

- An more! As the Cardio Cabaret™ community grows, the number of people we can all learn from, and the interesting discussions we can have will only increase. I look forward to sharing this community of fun and support with all of you!

~ Astrid